Project Title: HEALTH CREDU – Creation of healthy and safe learning environment as core drive of inclusive and equitable quality education
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for school education
Project duration: 01/10/2018 – 30/09/2020
Grant Agreement No.
The project “HEALTH CREDU – Creation of healthy and safe learning environment as core drive of inclusive and equitable quality education” background is related to two of EU sustainable development goals: quality education and promotion of the well-being.
The project objective – is to create and help schools to apply practical methodology to include elements of health and wellbeing education and improve academical outcomes.
The main target group: teachers, students, parents.
The additional target group: whole school community, stakeholders.
The project is highlighting a need of combination of health education at school and development of healthy learning environment as core drives to improve quality and equality in education and assure more effective health prevention. Project objectives are focusing on the improvement of skills and competencies of the whole school community in the fields of health behavior, management of social-emotional climate and creation of engaging learning environment.